Monday, November 5, 2012

I am feeling so thankful for answered prayers!!
My Dad has had such a difficult past few weeks with many troubles with his heart. He is now recovery from open heart surgery, he had his mitral valve replaced on Thurs. Nov 1st! (2nd time, 1st replacement surgery was in Dec. '99) He has had some bumps in the road to recovery but overall is doing remarkable! I just wanted to post a quick note saying that my faith in the Lord has grown over the past few weeks immensly and I am thankful for this and everyone around me that has been lifting my Dad and my family up in prayer! Thank you ♥ 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fibromyalgia Awareness & Positive Self Talk

How adorable is this!? A penguin for Fibromyalgia Awareness- it's perfect for me :) I have been trying to manage my symptoms the best I can. This last month has been especially difficult with added stress. I lost my job the beginning of July. My doctor made some recommendations for certain accommodations and Walmart did not approve them so I am on an unpaid leave of absence. I have been to biofeedback to learn how to quiet my mind and am now working on trying to quiet and relax my muscles (they are so tight and in knots all the time).  I feel so angry at times because I have this pain and have to live with limitations/restrictions etc. but then I just pray that someday they will find a cure and all of us that struggle and fight with this illness will be free from enduring all of the pain and other crazy, unpredictable symptoms we face each day! My depression and anxiety have been escalated over the past 3 months or so as well so I am also working on skills I have learned in the past to do the best I can each day. I am learning more and more with each therapy appointment I go to and one of the most important things is positive self talk which is why I want to share this next picture.

Isn't it a great reminder to treat ourselves with love and kindness?!
Love and Hugs to all my family and friends that follow my blog- sorry it's been so long sense my last post.

Jeremiah 29:11  ~  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dylan's Apartment

Last night Dylan stayed at his own apartment over night for the first time. I'm so proud of him! He did great~ and so did I as his Mom. There were a few texts that made me want to go bring him something he wanted but I resisted the urge and let him get by because I knew he could do it!! This will be a good thing for us. I have a good feeling about it!

August 8th,2012... That apartment didn't work out. Dylan is living with me for now. We are making it work. I think things will be o.k. He is searching for a job and then once he is established he will look for an apartment.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
I hope every Mom that reads this has a wonderful day! Being a Mom, in my opinion, is the most difficult and important job one will ever have. I pray that some day Dylan will realize that every difficult decision I have made in raising him was done with love and that I did the best that I knew how given the circumstances. I love you Dylan more than you will ever know.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Empty Nest Soon

I am so anxious about Dylan moving in two weeks. I need to keep reminding myself to BREATH.. because the stress is really getting to me. I have so many emotions going round and round in this head of mine. How will he do on his own? How will I cope if he doesn't make it and also if he does? Will I still feel needed as a Mom? I know both of us will be less stressed and get along better if we are living apart from each other. After awhile it seems we take each other for granted and having our separate places will, I believe, do great things for our relationship.! 
On another note- I am so happy I have two days off from work in a row- I get to sleep in tomorrow!! Yeah! Feeling pretty sleepy right now so I better listen to my body and go to bed now.
Hugs & Love

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Memory Collage

16X20 Canvas I glued some of my favorite things to and hung on my wall!
 I wish you could see all the little details. 

All We Have Is All We Need

~A good habit to develop is to monitor our thoughts prior to acting on them. It takes only a second or two to do this, and the payoff is immediate~

This is a very good quote for me :-)  
 I will do my best to develop this habit!

And one more...
♥Feel the tension leave your body when you let your heart be your ears today♥

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have to have hope for a better tomorrow so I am determined to be hopeful and to never give up!

Hope, Believe and Balance these are the words going through my head right now.

I'm starting the Nicoderm patch tomorrow to help me stop smoking- wish me luck, believe me I'll need support. Goodnight