Letting others live their own lives takes willingness coupled with practice. One of the gifts of letting go of control over other people's lives is that it gives us the time to attend to our own needs and decisions. In the process, we discover that we have very rich lives that are quite separate from our loved ones', lives that are full of joy and promise. When we focus on the details of other people's lives, we're not able to see the opportunities for new experiences that have been trying to get our attention all along. Lucky for us, they've waited, and they will continue to do so until we are ready to notice them.
This is from the book All We Have Is All We Need (Daily steps toward a peaceful life) by Karen Casey.
Have a great Monday!
Okay, you've probably noticed that I'm trying to catch up with your blog (totally out of order)LOL. We have been dealing with these things too... it's hard as a parent, especially, to "let go" when the time is right. Sometimes the problem is knowing exactly when is the "right" time. Praying for you today,. Hugs, Grace